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Parent-Child relationship

Parent-child communication is essential for a child’s overall development, including their academic success. In the modern education system, with its emphasis on standardized testing and competition, parent-child communication is more important than ever before.

The Impact of Parent-Child Communication in the Modern Education System

Parents can play a key role in helping their children succeed academically by communicating with them regularly about their schoolwork, providing support and encouragement, and helping them to develop effective study habits.

Parent-child communication is essential for a child’s well-being and success in school. When parents and children communicate effectively, children are more likely to feel supported, motivated, and engaged in their learning. They are also more likely to develop healthy self-esteem and coping skills.

In the modern education system, parent-child communication is especially important. Children are facing increasing academic pressure and competition. They are also spending more time on screens and less time interacting with their families. This can make it difficult for parents to stay connected with their children and understand what they are going through.

 Impact of Parent-Child Communication in the Modern Education System

However, there are a number of things that parents can do to improve communication with their children and support their success in school. This blog post will discuss the impact of parent-child communication on the modern education system and provide tips for parents on how to improve communication with their children.

 The Importance of Parent-Child Communication for Academic Success

Parent-child communication is essential for children’s overall development, including their academic success. In the modern education system, where children are under increasing pressure to perform well, strong communication between parents and children is more important than ever.

What is Parent-Child Communication?

Parent-child communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas between parents and children. It can take many forms, including talking, listening, reading together, playing together, and spending time together.

Why is Parent-Child Communication Important for Academic Success?

Parent-child communication has a number of benefits for children’s academic success. It can help children to:

  • Develop a positive attitude towards school
  • Set and achieve academic goals
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Develop strong study habits
  • Improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Learn how to communicate effectively

Research has also shown that parent-child communication has a significant impact on student outcomes. For example, a study by the National Parent Teacher Association found that students who have strong relationships with their parents are more likely to:

  • Get good grades.
  • Attend school regularly.
  • Be involved in extracurricular activities.
  • Graduate from high school and college.
  • Avoid drug use and delinquency.

Another study, by the University of Minnesota, found that students who have regular conversations with their parents about their schoolwork are more likely to perform better on standardized tests.

There is a growing body of research that supports the link between parent-child communication and academic success. For example, a study by the National Parent Teacher Association found that students who had regular conversations with their parents about their schoolwork were more likely to get good grades and graduate from high school.

Why is Parent-Child Communication Important for Academic Success?

Another study, published in the journal Child Development, found that children who had close relationships with their parents were more likely to be engaged in school and to perform better academically. The study also found that children who felt supported by their parents were more likely to persevere in the face of challenges and to achieve their academic goals.

How to Improve Parent-Child Communication About Schoolwork


There are a number of things that parents can do to improve their communication with their children about schoolwork. Here are a few tips:

  • Make time for regular conversations. Schedule regular times to talk to your child about their day at school and their schoolwork. This could be at the dinner table, before bed, or on the weekends.

Be a good listener. When your child is talking to you about their schoolwork, really listen to what they have to say. Ask clarifying questions and show that you are interested in their perspective.

  • Offer support and encouragement. Let your child know that you believe in them and that you are there to support them in their academic endeavors. Let your children know that you believe in them and that you are there to help them succeed.
  • Be a role model. Show your child that you value education and that you are committed to lifelong learning.
  • Help their children develop good study habits. Parents can work with their children to develop a study schedule, set goals, and manage their time effectively. Teach your child how to set goals, manage their time, and take effective notes.
  • Provide their children with emotional support. Parents can help their children manage stress, cope with challenges, and develop a positive attitude towards school.
  • Encourage their children to ask questions and seek help when needed. Parents can create a home environment where children feel comfortable asking for help from their parents or other trusted adults.
  • Stay informed about their children’ss Parents can talk to their children about their classes, assignments, and grades. They can also attend parent-teacher conferences and meet with their children’s teachers.
  • Make time for regular conversations. Set aside some time each day to talk to your children about their day, their schoolwork, and their interests.
  • Be a good listener. When your children are talking to you, give them your full attention and avoid distractions.
  • Be honest and open with your children. Share your own experiences and challenges with them.
  • Set a good example. Be a good communicator yourself and model the behavior that you want to see in your children.

The Role of Parent-Child Communication in the Modern Education System

The modern education system is more complex and demanding than ever before. Students are faced with a greater number of academic challenges, and they are also expected to be more engaged in their learning.

  • Parent-child communication can play a vital role in helping students to succeed in this challenging environment.
  • Parents can help their children to navigate the modern education system by providing them with support and guidance. They can also help their children to develop the skills and knowledge that they need to be successful in college and in the workplace.

The Role of Parent-Child Communication in the Modern Education System

Specific Examples of How Parent-Child Communication Can Impact Academic Success

Here are a few specific examples of how parent-child communication can impact academic success:

  • Parents can help their children to develop a positive attitude towards school. When children feel supported by their parents and believe that they can succeed, they are more likely to be motivated to do well in school.
  • Parents can help their children to develop effective study habits. Parents can teach their children how to set goals, manage their time, and take effective notes. This can help children to be more successful in school and to reduce stress levels.
  • Parents can help their children to develop a strong work ethic. Parents can teach their children the importance of hard work and perseverance. This can help children to be more successful in school and in life.
  • Parents can help their children to develop critical thinking skills. Parents can encourage their children to ask questions and to think critically about the information that they are learning. This can help children to be more successful in school and to become more informed citizens.



Parent-child communication is essential for a child’s overall development, including their academic success. In the modern education system, with its emphasis on standardized testing and competition, parent-child communication is more important than ever before. Parents can play a key role in helping their children succeed academically by communicating with them regularly about their schoolwork, providing support and encouragement, and helping them to develop effective study habits.

Parent-child communication is essential for a child’s well-being and success in school. In the modern education system, parent-child communication is especially important. Parents can support their children’s success in school by providing them with emotional support, helping them develop good study habits, and staying informed about their schoolwork.

Parent-child communication is essential for children’s overall development, including their academic success. In the modern education system, where children are under increasing pressure to perform well, strong communication between parents and children is more important than ever.


 Parent-Child Communication and Academic Success: A Review of the Literature by the University of Minnesota

The Impact of Parent-Child Communication on School Engagement and Academic Achievement by the University of Michigan.

Parent-Child Communication and Children’s Emotional Well-Being by the University of California, Berkeley.

How to Improve Parent-Child Communication by the American Psychological Association.

National Parent Teacher Association: https://www.pta.org/

University of Minnesota: https://innovation.umn.edu/parent-child/

Zero to Three: https://www.zerotothree.org/resource/caregiver-parent-communication-tools/

National Parent Teacher Association (2019). Parent involvement and student achievement: A research review. Retrieved from https://www.pta.org/

Pomerantz, E. M., Ng, F., & Wang, Q. (2008). The role of parent involvement in children’s academic achievement: A meta-analytic review. Educational Psychologist, 43(1), 1-19.

Roopnarine, J. L., & Johnson, J. E. (2005).

National Parent Teacher Association: https://www.pta.org/

University of Minnesota: https://innovation.umn.edu/parent-child/

Zero to Three: https://www.zerotothree.org/resource/caregiver-parent-communication-tools/

Article by Ann Okpomeh 

Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

Canadian Bridge Academy Abuja

We are the only international school in Nigeria that offers 100% Ontario Ministry of Education approved Canadian (Ontario) curriculum from Grade 1 through 12.

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